“WHETHER WINE IS NOURISHMENT, MEDICINE OR POISON, IS A MATTER OF DOSE” PARACELUS – GERMAN PHYSICIAN Relationship of alcohol to cardiovascular disease is complex. It is known that a alcoholic (addicted to alcohol) or heavy drinkers can shorten his life by 15-20 yrs., because of increased cardiovascular disease. Liver (cirrhosis, hepatitis) disease, neurological problem & accident etc. Where as a moderate drinkers can derive benefits from alcohol. Q1. Is it true that those who consume moderate quantity of alcohol – have less heart attack? Yes. There is a strong evidence from research and clinical trials, that if a healthy man or a person with risk factors for cardiovascular disease consume small to moderate quantity of alcohol can have 20-30% less chances of heart attack and stroke in both men & women. Q2. Who is a moderate drinker? Moderate drinker is a one who consumes...
Dr.J.P.S.Sawheny, an Indian National renowned & experienced Cardiologist in Delhi India. He has around 28 Year of experience in clinical and preventive cardiology, Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation. Since last 28 Years he is helping people to get a Healthy Heart & Healthy life.