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Showing posts from March, 2015

Alcohol & Heart

“WHETHER WINE IS NOURISHMENT, MEDICINE OR POISON, IS A MATTER OF DOSE” PARACELUS – GERMAN PHYSICIAN Relationship of alcohol to cardiovascular disease is complex. It is known that a alcoholic (addicted to alcohol) or heavy drinkers can shorten his life by 15-20 yrs., because of increased cardiovascular disease. Liver (cirrhosis, hepatitis) disease, neurological problem & accident etc. Where as a moderate drinkers can derive benefits from alcohol. Q1.        Is it true that those who consume moderate quantity of alcohol – have less heart attack? Yes. There is a strong evidence from research and clinical trials, that if a healthy man or a person with risk factors for cardiovascular disease consume small to moderate quantity of alcohol can have 20-30% less chances of heart attack and stroke in both men & women. Q2.         Who is a moderate drinker? Moderate drinker is a one who consumes...